We’re one of Australia’s largest producers of green metals, like nickel, cobalt, zinc and copper.

Glencore is a leading producer of the green metals that can be used in everything from solar panels and wind turbines, to electric cars and smart homes.

What are green metals?

Metals like nickel, cobalt, zinc and copper can be found in almost every electronic device, making them a fundamental part of modern life today. And they’ll play an even greater role in our lives tomorrow because they're needed to build renewable energy technology like solar panels, wind turbines and battery storage.

What makes these metals ‘green’?

Green metals will play an essential role in creating low carbon technologies, like electric cars, which require more than 120 kilograms of these metals. And importantly, green metals can be recycled again and again. So these same metals could go from a phone to a computer, to a plane and more.

Why are green metals important for a low carbon future?

Without green metals, a low carbon future wouldn’t be possible. To achieve net zero total emissions by 2050, Glencore estimates that the world needs to produce twice as much copper and zinc and four times as much cobalt and nickel as it does today.

From your kitchen to the skyline, nickel-based stainless steel is everywhere. As a good conductor of heat and electricity, it’s also a key component of electric car batteries, helps power smart devices, and makes it possible to integrate wind and solar power into the grid.

Resistant to very high temperatures, Cobalt is used to create the batteries that store solar power, as well as run our phones, tablets and laptops. It’s also playing a lead role in renewable energy and the electric car revolution.

You’ll find zinc on almost every city street, protecting steel buildings and bridges from corrosion. It’s used to make musical instruments, along with the batteries that power hearing aids – so those who need them can enjoy the music.
Copper is one of the first metals used by humans. Today, copper is a key component in renewable energy technologies. Its high conductivity of heat and electricity means it’s found in virtually every electrical device we use. It also has antimicrobial properties, meaning it kills germs and viruses – making hospitals and care environments safer.