Before you visit Mount Isa Mines, you must complete a visitor induction and have authorisation from a relevant employee of the mine site and department you are visiting. The information you need to complete the induction can be found on this page.
Surface and underground inductions
If you are not going underground, only complete the surface induction for the mine site you are visiting. If you are travelling underground, complete both the surface and underground visitor inductions for the mine site you are visiting by following the steps below.
Watch the visitor induction video(s).
Mount Isa Mines
Surface induction
Underground induction
Copper Refineries Pty Ltd
Download and read the handbook.
Mount Isa Mines
Download and complete the induction form, and email it to your Mount Isa Mines or Copper Refineries Pty Ltd host for assessment.
Mount Isa Mines
Copper Refineries Pty Ltd
Once you have watched the induction video on this page, review the fact sheet and complete the access form and questionnaire. Return your completed forms to your host.
Mount Isa Mines
To finalise your site access, visit the Site Security Office on arrival. The Security Office is located on May Downs Road, Mount Isa and is adjacent to the Glencore Skills Centre. Your Mount Isa Mines host will meet you there to escort you to site.
Copper Refineries Pty Ltd
To finalise your site access, visit the Site Security Office on arrival. The Security Office is located at the Copper Refineries Gatehouse. Your Copper Refineries host will meet you there to escort you to site.