Whistleblowing policy
Speaking openly at Glencore
Glencore is committed to creating a culture where people feel free to speak about concerns in a secure and confidential way. This includes employees, contractors, directors and officers working in our offices and industrial assets as well as third parties such as customers, suppliers or other stakeholders.
Glencore does not tolerate retaliation against anyone who speaks openly about conduct they believe is unethical, illegal or not in line with Our Values, Code, Policies, Procedures and Standards, even if a concern is not substantiated, and as long as one has not knowingly made a false report.
Glencore appreciates the support of all people who work for us and with us: early detection of concerns allows us to proactively prevent further misconduct and limit potential financial, reputational and other impacts.
How are concerns raised at Glencore?
At Glencore, one should first raise a concern to their manager or supervisor at their office or industrial asset, as they are usually best equipped to resolve concerns quickly and effectively.
Reporters also have the option of reaching out to people nominated at offices or assets to receive concerns. These people, called Whistleblowing Contacts, are typically members of the senior management team at offices or assets. If requested, they treat concerns confidentially. Concerns can also be reported to a Whistleblowing Contact anonymously, e.g. by sending them an email from an anonymised email address.
If a concern remains unresolved or anyone feels uncomfortable using the above local channels, concerns can be reported via the Raising Concerns Programme, which is a corporate programme managed in Switzerland.
Information about the Raising Concerns Programme is available on the Raising Concerns website.
The Glencore Whistleblowing Policy
The Glencore Whistleblowing Policy sets out our approach on reporting, escalating, handling and investigating concerns related to our business and the protections available. It encourages and supports people to report concerns knowing that Glencore takes them seriously, and handles and investigates them appropriately whilst respecting confidentiality.
To find out more, please consult our Whistleblowing Policy and the other information below.