Our Mt Owen/Glendell Operations produces thermal and semi-soft metallurgical coal.
Mt Owen/Glendell Operations 2023 contribution
Total contribution
Tonnes of saleable product
Employees and contractors
Spent on goods and services
Located in the Upper Hunter Valley of New South Wales, 20 kilometres north of Singleton, the complex contains the Mt Owen, Ravensworth East and Glendell mines. The integration of these operations enables all sites to use a single coal handling and preparation plant (CHPP) and infrastructure at Mt Owen Mine.
Glendell Mine is seeking approval to continue current open cut mining to the north of its existing operations through the Glendell Continued Operations Project.
Mt Owen Operations is 100% owned and managed by Mt Owen Pty Limited (Mt Owen) on behalf of Glencore Coal Australia Pty Limited (Glencore). Glendell Operations is 100% owned and managed by Glendell Tenements Pty Limited managing Glendell and Ravensworth East mining areas on behalf of Glencore Coal Australia Pty Limited (Glencore).
Thiess Pty Ltd is contracted by Glencore to operate Mt Owen Mine, excluding the CHPP and associated infrastructure.
Regulatory informationFollow the links below to view our: |
We are committed to engaging with all stakeholders, particularly those in the local community.
Community investment
Glencore partners with organisations to promote sustainable development in:
For more information on Glencore Coal Australia’s commitment to communities, download our Community Investment Program booklet (PDF 6.8MB).
Funding opportunities
Submission of funding applications is via the Smarty Grants website.
Use the links below to access regulatory information and fact sheets for Mt Owen/Glendell Operations:
If you have any questions about Mt Owen/Glendell Operations, please contact us using the information below.
If you have a media enquiry, visit our contact us page.
Operation enquiries
Address: PO Box 320, Singleton NSW 2330
Tel: +61 2 6570 2600
Glendell Open Cut
Fast Facts
Mt Owen Open Cut
Fast Facts
Community response, blasting and emergencies
24 hours/7days
Mt Owen/Glendell community response hotline
Tel: 1800 730 883
Mt Owen/Glendell emergency contact number
Tel: +61 2 6570 0850
Mt Owen/Glendell blasting hotline
Tel: 1800 319 566